OneCard Library Service

OneCard library service is a project of Upper Valley Vermont Libraries that enables Hartland patrons to borrow materials from participating libraries.

  • Hartland card holders in good standing who are 16 years and older are eligible for OneCard.
  • Make sure your library card has a yellow “OneCard” sticker on it. (If your card doesn’t, please let us know!)
  • Bring your Hartland OneCard with you to any participating library.
  • Libraries have different lending policies, so be sure to ask the lending library about loan periods or restrictions.
  • Return your materials to the library where you borrowed them.
  • Requests for ILL or holds should be made through the Hartland Public Library.
  • Fees must be paid to the library where they were incurred.
  • The Hartland Public Library does not loan the following items to OneCard holders from other libraries: Museum passes or electronic resources.
  • Patrons with restrictions should be referred to their home library to resolve any issues with their account.
  • ANYONE is welcome at our library and at our many programs.

The following must be transacted at your home library:

* Inter-Library Loans (ILLs)
* Access to Libby, Palace, Kanopy, Mango Languages, and other electronic resources.

HPL does not loan the following items to OneCard holders from other libraries:

*Museum and park passes

Participating OneCard Libraries

Ascutney (Weathersfield Proctor Library)
Bradford (Bradford Public Library)
Chelsea (Chelsea Public Library)
East Corinth (Blake Memorial Library)
Fairlee (Fairlee Public Library)
Groton (Groton Free Public Library)
Hartford (Hartford Library)
Hartland (Hartland Public Library)
Newbury (Tenney Memorial Library)
Norwich (Norwich Public Library)
Quechee (Quechee Library)
Tunbridge (Tunbridge Public Library)
Wells River (Baldwin Memorial Library)
West Hartford (West Hartford Library)
West Windsor (Mary Blood Memorial Library)
Wilder (Wilder Club and Library)
Windsor (Windsor Public Library)

If you have any questions about the OneCard, or want to sign up for OneCard service through Hartland (your home library), please contact us.

Join the Hartland Public Library

Thank you for your interest in joining the Hartland Public Library! Please fill out the form and we will contact you when your card is ready. You can also come to the library to get a library card.